Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Major Cause --- What Does It Mean?

The March 13 issue of the Oklahoma Bar Journal is devoted to workers' compensation. One of the articles (written by yours truly) analyzes the "major cause" requirement for compensability of a work injury. My regular readers know that there are no published cases addressing the meaning of this term. If you decide to read it, remember that the conclusions are only a best guess of what the Supreme Court ultimately will say about major cause.

Major Cause --- What Does It Mean? can be viewed at my website.

All articles can be accessed at the OBA website or by clicking here. They include:
  1. Revisiting the Vortex: The Collision of the Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Act, FMLA, ADA by Madelene A.B. Witterholt and  Tyson D. Grayson;
  2. Mediation and Workers' Compensation by Michael G. Coker;
  3. The Evolution of Workers' Compensation in Indian Country by Jay Jones;
  4. The Eight-Week Soft Tissue TTD Limitation by James M. Wirth;
  5. Illegal Aliens, Immigration Policy and Workers' Compensation by Pam Cornett; and
  6. Medicare Considerations for the Workers' Compensation Practitioner by Valerie Evans.

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